Kyle Thompson

Kyle Thompson minden nap csinál egy képet, többnyire saját magáról.

Fragile Wings 147/365 Yesterday was the first day I skipped so far in my 365! I felt pretty guilty, but I'd rather skip than post something I'm unhappy with. As of today, I am done with school for the summer! I am going to put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into my photos this summer. I submitted a couple photos to my college's art magazine a while ago and it got cover photo! I know it's nothing huge, but it was cool to see stacks of magazines with my photo on the front all over campus today. The weather was unkind to me today. I left when it was cloudy, but it started to rain right when I got to the forest. I waited until the rain cleared, and it instantly became incredibly bright, so I had to find a covered area in the forest to avoid ugly shadows. With that said, I am pleased with how this turned out

Kyle Thompson, 20 éves chicagói srác naplóírás helyett fotókat készít. Képeinek témája önmaga, őszintén vállalt exhibicionizmusa első pillantásra szimpatikus, van benne egy nagy adag naivitás, nárcizmus, ugyanakkor jó ízlés és odaadó kísérletezési szándék. Nem riad meg a hideg víztől, jeges széltől, bogaraktól, vagy kosztól sem, kifejezetten rajong az elhagyott épületekért és a kietlen természetért. Ő egy ilyen érzékeny fiú. Én meg szeretem a képeit, összeszedtem a kedvenceimet, melyet az eredeti képaláírásokkal teszek közzé.

Old Crow 35/365 I went deep into the woods today, but my favorite photo was taken in a clearing in the forest. I was so incredibly cold. This looks better viewed large on black btw
Aspirations 51/365 Haha was just trying stuff out with a small mirror in a wooded prarie
Untitled 30/365 I thought of a ton of possible names for this photo, but couldn't chose between any of them, so it will be nameless.
Untitled 60/365 I had my dad throw crushed up colored chalk at me in the backyard. I've been doing this 365 for two months now!!
Untitled 159/365 I went to the forest with my brother with one concept in mind, and left with two photos. We spotted a couple deer in a field, and I slowly approached and took photos. They were really curious, I was surprised they didn't run away. I wish the lighting was better, but I'm happy I got photos of deer, so I can't complain.
Untitled 97/365 It was really stormy today. And I never know what to name my photos! Haven't named one in almost two weeks
Untitled 112/365 My photo today didn't work because the sunlight was too harsh and my concept was lame, so I did something simple instead. I have to go to work in about 5 minutes, so I threw this together extremely quickly. Tomorrow I am going to a bunch of abandoned houses, so I'm looking forward to that.
Untitled 113/365 Juan and I went to 5 abandoned houses today. This one wasn't actually a house, it was a barn/horse stable that was disguised as a house from the outside. I've been going to so many abandoned houses lately, they're just so interesting! haha Wow, flickr sharpened this way too much... eek
Untitled 119/365 Today sucked. I was busy all day, and made stupid mistakes in my photo. I realized while setting up that I forgot the part of my tripod that connects to my camera, and had to rest this on my camera case. And it was windy, and I couldn't time things right. Oh well. I've been really inspired lately, but I've been lazy. Its getting really difficult to think of new things for every day.
Untitled 124/365 I went back to that hidden area that I had found near the forest this past winter. There were so many spiders.
Warm Rainstorms 140/365 I figured I should start giving my photos titles again, even if I have no idea what to name it. And the rain was actually very cold haha Today I went to the hidden area in the forest. It turns out its a wildlife conservation area, which was made evident when I started noticing snakes slithering through the grass. I left without a photo. I just took a photo on my street with the rain. I have no idea how to get rain to show up for photos. I assume I just need to use lighting to let the raindrops show up.
Untitled 160/365 The building across the lake is an abandoned grain mill, and is one of my favorite abandoned places. The water was surprisingly clean, considering there was a shoot leading from the building to the water.
Untitled 154/365 I went to two abandoned houses with my friends Katarina and Juan. I've been to this one four times, and it scares me every time. I wanted to take a photo of Katarina with one of the deer heads hanging on the walls. I would write more, but I'm exhausted. I will cheat and upload other photos from today tomorrow probably.
It Suffocates Me 7/365 This photo has no editing except for color correction. It looks so alien-like and primative but I think I like that. Ive been doing this 365 for a week now! Its going good so far. That might change when school start back up haha

Ajánlom Nektek, hogy nézegessétek meg a 365 teljes sorozatát, mert sok izgalmas dolgot rejteget a nap mint nap frissülő dokumentáció!