Dana jelenleg Brooklynban él, és ha éppen nem táblákra ír gyönyörű betűivel akkor Louise Fili Ltd-nél tevékenykedik, ahol logókat, termékcsomagolásokat és könyvborítókat is tervez.
2008-ban kezdett el a Spotco-nál plakátokat tervezni broadway-i daraboknak.
Dana így mesél az inspirációkról:
[question]“A big inspiration behind my work is the idea of community. It brings me great joy to see people dancing, eating, and laughing with my chalk pieces as the backdrop. Even the idea of creating these pieces was birthed out of my community of friends here in Brooklyn. I find that I am continually inspired by so many of the creative people that I live life with—it’s those friends who initially saw my love of letterforms and encouraged me to explore that passion even further.”[/question]
Dana a következőkben a krétához fűződő viszonyáról mesél:
[question]”What I love about chalk is that it is such an ephemeral medium. We use it to scribble or doodle with, but rarely do we consider carefully crafting something with it. Maybe it goes against our practical nature—why spend time on something that will be gone in a day, week or month? But that’s why it’s the perfect medium— because for me it’s about the process. I love starting out on a clean wall, climbing up on a ladder, sketching with broad strokes, refining the letterforms, adding little details, etc. It’s a chance for me to take a break from the computer and create something purely by hand. I’m such a crafter at heart!”[/question]
[vimeo width=”490″ height=”390″]http://www.vimeo.com/23186260[/vimeo]
[vimeo width=”490″ height=”390″]http://www.vimeo.com/20042831[/vimeo]