Conor Cronin graphic design és tipo

Mr. Cronin Dél-Afrikában született, 10 éves kora körül költözött családjával Dublinba, ahol jelenleg is él és dolgozik. Vizuális kommunikáció szakon végzett a dublini National college of Art and Design egyetemen. Diploma után keresztül-kasul utazta Európát, számos ügynökségnél dolgozott,  megfordult Barcelonában, Londonban és Amsterdamban is.

Conor Cronin

És itt egy nem rég készült interjú Conor Croninnal, szimpatikus:

What have you got planned this week?

Looking forward to Sonar

What do your parents think you do?

My dad thinks I “make” billboards & my mother I am not sure, my grandmother thinks I am an artist.

Who do you look like?

I would like to think a tiger, but I am more like a hamster.

What’s your favourite sense?


Tell us something people don’t know about you…

I like to spoon my pillow

Did your education count?

Of course especially my erasmus at Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam in Netherlands, it was the first time I was introduced to Mainland Europe Design & typographic treatment. Moreover education should never end, I would like to study a Masters in typography some time in the future.

What word can’t you spell?

Like Andy Warhol said, “I never read. I just look at pictures.”

Tell us a good fact

The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card.

What’s Next?

August Holidays… Surf, sun & fiesta.

What’s your ‘Plan B’?

Masters in Management, good design = good business